Cubitic will prepare a quote within two working days of receiving the initial invite for tender. Our team will carefully review the tender documentation in order to prepare a quote that addresses the project requirements.

Preliminary Design Concept
Upon receiving the approval from the client and the designed contract, Cubitic will commence the preliminary design concept. The preliminary design concept stage confirms the shoring system, the vertical supports and the slab thicknesses necessary for the proposed design.

Client / Architect / Builder Approval
After finalising the preliminary design concept, our team coordinates with the client, architect and builder to review the structural design. Coordination meetings are conducted to confirm the client and builders preference of construction materials and method of construction.

Final Design
Once Cubitic received approval from all the key stakeholders involved on the project, the final design is presented. Approval is required throughout each design phase of the project.

Quality Assurance
The design and documentation for the whole project are thoroughly reviewed by the technical manager prior to issuing the plans for construction. QA forms are completed to ensure the project is quality controlled and quality assured prior to construction.

During Construction
Our team is dedicated to providing ongoing support to our clients and builders throughout the construction phase. Cubitic perform the structural inspections required at each critical point of the construction phase with 24 hours prior notice. During the construction phase, our team will review shop drawings and respond to RFIs within two working days.